
Benefits of All-Ceramic Dental Crowns

A dental crown can be used to restore strength, function, and esthetics to a tooth that has severe decay, a failing filling or is at risk of fracture. Proactively treating these suspect teeth with all-ceramic crowns offers greater longevity to maintain a healthy smile.

Understanding the Dental Crown Procedure

The dental crown process usually comprises multiple steps. Initially, our San Jose dentists assess your teeth to determine if a crown is necessary. If required, they'll prepare the tooth by gently removing some enamel to accommodate the crown. Subsequently, an impression of the tooth is taken to craft a custom-fit crown. Meanwhile, a temporary crown is fitted to safeguard the tooth until the permanent one is ready. Upon completion, the permanent crown is securely cemented onto the tooth, restoring its functionality and appearance.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

Dental bridges, when supported by dental implants, provide a more enduring and secure option in contrast to traditional bridges.

What factors influence your decision to opt for dental crowns and bridges?

  • Enhance Functionality: Crowns and bridges restore comfortable chewing and speech capabilities.
  • Enhance Aesthetics: They offer a natural appearance, improving the look of damaged or missing teeth and boosting self-assurance.
  • Prevent Future Complications: Crowns and bridges deter teeth from shifting and safeguard overall oral health.

New Patients Welcome!

Optimal oral health starts with a customized treatment plan. Begin your treatment by scheduling a consultation today.