
Comfortable and Necessary Dental Procedure

Our goal is to always help you preserve your natural teeth by all means possible, but sometimes there are reasons a tooth simply can’t be saved. That’s why it’s always important to bring up any concerns with your dentist as soon as they arise, even if it’s as simple as a toothache.

Tooth extraction isn’t as scary as it sounds. With today’s advanced dentistry, numbing gels or sedation make pulling a tooth an easy, more comfortable procedure. Often, the patient feels little or no discomfort during a tooth extraction.

Whether it’s the health of your tooth that has put it as risk for extraction, or you are in need of routine wisdom teeth removal, our dentist can help you find a qualified specialist to meet your needs.

What necessitates tooth extractions?

Extractions are usually the final option to salvage a tooth. Some teeth can adversely affect oral health, making it prudent to remove them before they cause issues such as shifting, infection, or mouth damage. Various reasons may necessitate or prompt an extraction, including:
  • Wisdom teeth affected
  • Badly damaged teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth beneath the gum line
  • Baby teeth that are difficult to remove
  • You want to avoid getting more treatment

Who is a good candidate for tooth extractions?

Through an examination, we evaluate the necessity of an extraction. In many cases, undergoing the procedure is advisable for patients who require it. Retaining a problematic tooth can escalate into complications like infections or abscesses. X-rays further assist in precisely assessing the need for extraction.

What Happens During a Tooth Extraction?

We provide the choice of anesthetic or sedation based on your preference. Different sedation options can be discussed during your consultation. Once you're comfortable, we'll proceed to gently loosen and extract the tooth. Suturing may be done if needed to close the gums, and gauze will be used to control any bleeding. After sedation, you'll be taken to a recovery area until fully awake. If general sedation was administered, it's crucial to have someone accompany you home. Finally, we'll give you detailed aftercare instructions to follow.

New Patients Welcome!

Optimal oral health starts with a customized treatment plan. Begin your treatment by scheduling a consultation today.