
Understanding TMJ Disorder and Its Impact on Dental Health

Many people suffer from some degree of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder. Some people may exhibit common TMJ disorder symptoms such as: tension in the jaw muscles, frequent morning headaches/migraines, ear aches, clicking/popping of jaw joints, lock jaw and or stiffness in the neck. Most people do not have symptoms related to their jaw, but exhibit accelerated wear and weakening in their teeth due to nighttime grinding and clenching, which may cause sensitivity. If left undiagnosed and untreated, a smile can “age” very quickly and/or existing dental conditions such as cavities or gum disease can worsen significantly.

TMJ disorder usually comes from the imbalance of jaw joints and the occlusion (the bite). Dr. Lee can alleviate TMJ related pain and protect further accelerated wear/tear of teeth by having the patient wear customized splint very similar to an orthodontic retainer to create the ideal bite that will reestablish the balance.

Options for Treating TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorder

  • Occlusal Splints: Our custom-made and advanced biologically compatible 3D printed “night guards” effectively prevent clenching and reposition your jaw to a more favorable and comfortable position. Over the counter night guards are not recommended for long term use (+1 month), because it causes more permanent problems to the patient’s TMJ muscles and eventually teeth (like wearing oversized shoes with extra socks). Custom hard 3D-printed night guards are revolutionary and is the most conservative way to stop the self-destruction of teeth a jaw joints.
  • Invisalign: If your TMJ pain stems from a bite issue, we may recommend using Invisalign to correct your jaw alignment.
  • Surgery: In exceptional circumstances, advanced surgical procedures may be required to address the issue. In such cases, we can refer you to a specialist who can provide the necessary treatment.

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